We are so grateful for all that our parents do! We have started a new program that requires all K-8 families to serve 5 hours per semester for a total of 10 hours per school year. There are more details in the Student Handbook.
A complete list of volunteer opportunities is available at the link below. Here are some upcoming opportunities:
Snack Bags - A Weekly Commitment
Lunch Duty
5K Fundraiser
Gala Fundraiser
Room Parent
Background check protocols for The King's Academy will be followed for volunteers.

When it was time to enroll our son in preschool, my husband and I toured several facilities around the Lake area. We knew when we toured The King's Academy that our search was over. TKA exceeded our expectations then and continues to do so after 5 years. We have children who are thriving in both elementary and preschool. If you were to ask them what their favorite things about TKA are, they would say the teachers and the opportunity they have to learn about Jesus daily from the amazing teachers and staff. My husband and I are especially grateful for the passion that our children's teachers have for ensuring they are confident, competent learners. Their dedication and love are what truly make TKA such a special place. - Preschool, 1st Grade, and 2nd Grade Parent