Dear Parents of The King's Academy
On behalf of the Ministry Clarity Team, a big thank you to Christ the King Members, The King's Academy Parents and Teachers, Visitors, and Friends for attending one of the four (4) Creative Ideas Events, and contributing so many, many, ideas for new ministries/missions and existing ones. With over 150 participants we had close to 50% of our active communicant membership in attendance.
Just to recap an initial “wrap-up” of all the input, let us just say that the level of heartfelt conversations at each table, sharing of ideas, and support for existing ministries and missions were overwhelming, and at times, poignant! Interestingly, some ideas expressed were not physical or actual items as much as they were innovative approaches for better communications to effectively connect.
To give you an idea of comments shared here are examples:
Friendly, welcoming caring people; new people are warmly greeted; easy to meet people…people come from all walks of life.”
Great sermons!”
Good balance between liturgy and sermon
Good music (Bell Choir; Joe Ferrell, Trumpet, Contemporary)
Strong education - School, Sunday school and Bible Study
Need more activities and emphasis on our youth outreach (full time person), small families with children.”
Bring back the small Bible studies, just to name a few items!”
We need better connections between activities and ministries…what does that look like?”
If CTK Church and School closed tomorrow would the community know?”
To fully appreciate the level, amount, and spirit of the ideas shared please see the following links for the unfiltered notes:
Summary Version completed by our consultant Pastor Mark Frith:
We urge you to read some of the actual comments as well as the Summary Version and give prayerful thought to the ideas. These items are on Christ the King website (ctklo.org).
The next phase is well underway as Pastor Mark Frith, our LCEF consultant and Pastors will be meeting shortly with the CTK Ministry Leaders and Influencers Team.
To review, the Ministry Clarity Process has completed their task of gathering congregational ideas that will assist in producing the 3-5 Year Ministry Plan. The intention is to complete this process with a written Ministry Clarity Plan submitted to the Voters in December of this year.
“Give us eyes to see where we might best serve You and open our Hearts and Minds to new and renewed ways of showing your LOVE!”
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to visit with John Olivarri or Paula Hertwig Hopkins, Ministry Clarity Co-Directors, or any of the Team Directors: Len Cramer, Karen Dix, Matt Lehenbauer, Bill Schiller, Jeff Thon, Lee Dau, Donna Broccard or Liz Schiller