Like any community, our school is strengthened by the involvement of its families.
Our goal at The King's Academy of Lake Ozark, Missouri, is for all parents to be actively participating in school activities in some capacity. We offer many volunteer opportunities and are confident that there is something that will appeal to you. From assisting with classroom parties, helping plan the book fair events, or partnering with teachers to accomplish their many tasks, there are abundant ways for parents, grandparents, and alumni to be an integral part of life at The King's Academy.
Parents may choose to hold office in the Parents Assisting Lutheran Schools (PALS), an organization that supports campus activities – a valuable program that is important to the students and faculty of The King's Academy.
By volunteering and becoming actively involved at The King's Academy, parents and grandparents alike can more fully share the TKA school experience with their child or grandchild. Another benefit is the outstanding example of community service and commitment that volunteering provides for our students.
Whatever your interest or talent, you can make a difference at The King's Academy of Lake Ozark!
We are so grateful for all that our parents do! We have started a new program that requires all K-8 families to serve 10 hours of recorded involvement each school year. It is preferred that 5 hours be given each semester. There are more details in the Student Handbook available for download here.
A complete list of volunteer opportunities is available at the link below. Here are some upcoming opportunities:
Snack Bags - A Weekly Commitment
Lunch Duty
5K Fundraiser
Gala Fundraiser
Room Parent